Malaysia Airlines Boeing 737 MH 1450
After that we went & checked in at sri intan.. not bad for the price. Dapat staff discount. That night we had seafood for dinner but was just so-so. The next day we woke up early n had a dip in the pool. First time rayyan masuk pool. Air tu kan sejuk so rayyan kept saying "nanak, nanak", "dah, dah" tapi mommy dia ni paksa gak dia mandi dalam tu. Yela dah siap belikan bathing suit baby gap n floaties tu.. rugila kalau tak mandi kan. The thing is kat rumah tu swimming pool olympic size tapi tak pernah pun nak mandi.
After the swim went to Underwater World, tengok anaconda, penguin 'Happy Feet'. What a coincidence that Happy Feet was just on HBO the night before. Then had lunch at KFC at the jetty. Bestnyer makan fastfood takde tax kan? Why did they have to put the tax on us in the first place?? Then jejalan kt Langkawi Fair n Pekan Kuah. Borong Pyrex n kain batik n pelekat n chocolates. Pastu tapau dinner. Oops i did it again.. left my purse on the table!! Baru lepas withdraw duit tu.. Thank God a couple at the next table realized it. May Allah bless them too.I do forget things sometimes but was never this forgetful. My mind was occupied kot..
Underwater World here we come..
On our final day in Langkawi we took a ride in the cable car. Seram sejuk gak but my fear of heights was not as bad as my sisters'. Maybe it runs in the family. Dah puas amik gambar kt platform atas tu albir ajak gi jambatan gantung tu lak. Initially i thought it would be fun but the journey was horrible! Dahla jauh pastu balik kena panjat tangga lak tu. Pancit sungguh.. Nasib baik xpanjat gunung kinabalu aritu. All in all, it was a long awaited, needed, nice break. Dahla tak gi honeymoon lagi. Konon2 nk gi Bali tp tetiba org tu pasport mati lak. Satu kampung dah tahu tu! Malu betul.. sampai xsanggup nk balik umah tokne eventhough ada birthday party aritu. Hopefully dapatlah gi vacation best2 lg pasni..
Blending in with the clouds..
Up, up & away..
See u again, Langkawi..
hey girl,
welcome aboard!!hihihi..ur blog's layout sebijik kak ika punya...terer eh, u upload those pics?mase i mula2 dulu, dah expert la using picasa.
sexy eh, mommy ryan ni?tak kena tembak ngn auntie leha ke?
please disable the word verification eh. susah la.
i dh tukar layout dh.. tp layout tu i suke la.. auntie leha xtembak pun.. sbb xnmpk pusat kot hihi.. tu baju pregnant tu.. skarang xble pki baju ketat2.. spare tyre tebal.. nk exercise malas.. perut aku itam lg x ilang..
ezra aku nak tiru layout ko.. jgn marah tau
u are thinner than after kahwin..
my turn pulak naik 80kg ( pandailah shud tu naik kata org naik 80kg!)
maybe dulu shud naik 80kg kot
ko dah kurus...
ko nampak kurus...
aper rahsianya...
takut nie...
nanti lps besalin aku gemok..
bdn ko sure xnaik sgt mcm aritu coz ko loya2.. masa pregnantla masa plg bahagia aku coz i could eat everything without worrying bout my weight.. tp xdela smpi 80kg.. 67 je.. shud kot yg naik 80..
rahsianya breastfeeding.. eat as much as u want at that time.. hajja lg kurus dr aku.. but know when to limit once u stop bf..
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